Noin. Kevät on kamalan kiireistä aikaa tänä keväänä. Koulussa on paljon tekemistä (kokeita, todistukset, musan numerot muille luokille, ryhmäasiat jnejne). Kuitenkin koulu loppuu jo kahden viikon päästä. Koulusta ei sen enempää nyt, niitä on käsitelty siellä missä niitä käsitellään.
Muutoin on ollut aika rauhallista. Edellisen viikonlopun vietin kotona ja tulevana viikonloppuna (huomenna) alkaa Kesäyliopisto. Aion lukea kasvatustieteen perusopintoja siellä kesän ajan. Kesän suunnitelmat ovat muutenkin aika valmiina. Kesä alkaa juhlilla Annalla (työkaveri) ja jatkuu siitä Lauran kotivahdiksi Varkauteen. Lakun leuka leikataan kuun lopussa ja sitten ajattelin olla viikon hyödyksi ja piristää Lakua kotona. Helsinkiin palatessa luvassa on kesäyliopistoa ja lastenhoitotöitä ja hiukkasen Sanoma News hommaa. Juhannuksesta ei ole mitään tietoa, mökkeily olis kivaa. 27.6. lähdemme Pakdojen kanssa kohti Prahaa, viihdymme siellä viikon. Palattua voisi tehdä hiukan töitä ja kesäyliopistoa ja lopulta heinäkuun lopussa lähden Riikaan. On mainiota tietää, että siellähän näkee sitten taas ystäviä. Toivottavasti syksy ja loppukesä tuo sitten mukanaan työtä.
Kesällä mulla siis on aikaa. Aikaa lukea joku kiva kirja. Aikaa juosta keikalle Tavastialle ja aikaa makoilla puistossa ja Pihlajasaaressa.
Niin ja jatko-opiskelutkin ovat edistyneet kevään aikana. Kesän aikana tutkimussuunnitelma vahvistetaan ja lopulta syksyllä saa hakea apurahoja. On se valloittavaa, se opiskelijaelämä!
torstai 14. toukokuuta 2009
lauantai 2. toukokuuta 2009
For the audience
This time I decided to blog in english for the sake of the yesterdays company. I got some feedback about my blog and my language chosen to be in use. Anyway, I can do this time also in English, because in this story there is also a hint about my Vappu, where also this commenter has been involved.
I started my vappu at work. We did have mathematics exam with 4th graders on the last hour of the school day. It went well, and we decided to supervise examinations right away. We did the work with power from sparking wine. We talked a bit and I continued shortly after that to my friends Kaisa's place. She made some food and offered wine. We hanged there until 21, when we had meeting with Jenna at Corona bar. I was back at home around 12. Exhausted dying out. The neighbours were keeping up a vappu party with LOUD noise on the staircase. We went to ask them please keep a bit quieter. It didn't help much and I needed to get back to the business after one hour. The girl who's living next door, she claimed that her party is nothing compared my parties on Wednesdays during night. I'm having quite good alibi for those. I am in really deep sleep on wed-thu nights: need to wake up 6.30 to work. Not really possible. But the conversation helped. Neighbouring noises went down.
I slept well until I needed to do some business. After all we ended up watching Australia -movie with Hannele. Later on I went to Makuuni to get more movies: we both (with Hannele) have been reading Stephenie Meyer Twilight-saga for some time now, so we wanted to see Twilight. It wasn't as good as the books, but still entertaining. Whole day went by relaxing.
I have been planning to go to Club Anvil this year. Only problem normally is, that its so fun to be around there, so I cannot stay late because of the works. Its held normally on Thursdays. This time on Friday so I ended up there dancing to Joy Division and Placebo. Drinks were reasonable priced so we ended up drinking white russians and cranberry long drinks. I had fun with Riikka and May, and because of May this blog is in English now. No wonder how difficult its read finnish nonsense blogs.
For Vappu, there is one losing: I've been hanging around a bit with one portland-american gal, Janna. She had this week as a last in here, so she moved back to homeland on 1st of May. Somehow I got nicely along with her, and will remember this spring via memories of funny accidents. ´
Today I will continue this Vappu-relaxing-weekend by going to see my friends newborn baby. He's just 11 day old! But before that I need to work a bit. Some 4 more hours.
I started my vappu at work. We did have mathematics exam with 4th graders on the last hour of the school day. It went well, and we decided to supervise examinations right away. We did the work with power from sparking wine. We talked a bit and I continued shortly after that to my friends Kaisa's place. She made some food and offered wine. We hanged there until 21, when we had meeting with Jenna at Corona bar. I was back at home around 12. Exhausted dying out. The neighbours were keeping up a vappu party with LOUD noise on the staircase. We went to ask them please keep a bit quieter. It didn't help much and I needed to get back to the business after one hour. The girl who's living next door, she claimed that her party is nothing compared my parties on Wednesdays during night. I'm having quite good alibi for those. I am in really deep sleep on wed-thu nights: need to wake up 6.30 to work. Not really possible. But the conversation helped. Neighbouring noises went down.
I slept well until I needed to do some business. After all we ended up watching Australia -movie with Hannele. Later on I went to Makuuni to get more movies: we both (with Hannele) have been reading Stephenie Meyer Twilight-saga for some time now, so we wanted to see Twilight. It wasn't as good as the books, but still entertaining. Whole day went by relaxing.
I have been planning to go to Club Anvil this year. Only problem normally is, that its so fun to be around there, so I cannot stay late because of the works. Its held normally on Thursdays. This time on Friday so I ended up there dancing to Joy Division and Placebo. Drinks were reasonable priced so we ended up drinking white russians and cranberry long drinks. I had fun with Riikka and May, and because of May this blog is in English now. No wonder how difficult its read finnish nonsense blogs.
For Vappu, there is one losing: I've been hanging around a bit with one portland-american gal, Janna. She had this week as a last in here, so she moved back to homeland on 1st of May. Somehow I got nicely along with her, and will remember this spring via memories of funny accidents. ´
Today I will continue this Vappu-relaxing-weekend by going to see my friends newborn baby. He's just 11 day old! But before that I need to work a bit. Some 4 more hours.
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